✍Tips and Tricks in Python
Warning: There is no magical formula or Holy Grail here, though a new world might open the door for you.
Note 1: If you are reading Advances in Financial Machine Learning by Marcos Prado. 7. Fractionally Differentiated Features is Chapter 5 about Fractionally Differentiated Features. 8. Data Labelling is Chapter 3 about The Triple-barrier Method. And 9. Meta-labeling is Chapter 3.6 on page 50.
Note 2: a few new books in 2020 on this topic:
- Bilokon, Dixon, and Halperin: ML in Finance https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030410674
- Machine Learning for asset management by de Prado: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/machine-learning-for-asset-managers/6D9211305EA2E425D33A9F38D0AE3545
- Irene Aldridge & Marco Avellaneda, Big Data Science in Finance: https://www.amazon.com/Data-Science-Finance-Irene-Aldridge/dp/111960298X
I have tried to install mlfinlab with no success. The requirements file from repository doesn’t works so well as most of the libraries package inside are out of date. Especially, if you don’t have SCS library ready.
The first thing is to create a new enviroment by following the steps from:
if you are using jupyter lab, first of all, will need to create new enviroment with python==3.7, (currently mlfinlab only supported by python 3.7 and 3.6)
conda create -n mlfinlab python=3.7
then, will need to install scs library if you don’t have. I have tried this
pip install scs
and it didn’t work out and gave some error messages. If that is case, try
conda install -c conda-forge scs
another one is
conda install -c anaconda ecos
after that , you can upgrade all the packages up to date with
conda upgrade --all
somehow, you may need to install jupyter lab, ipython and talos.